WMU Counseling Clinic
Ms. Alvarado (onsite supervisor) and I are thrilled to continue the longstanding partnership between WMU and WWA to provide counseling services to children and families. Below you will find our updated consent form, we need a consent on file to provide services to students and families.
We have six advanced master's level students joining us this fall. We put together a meet the counselors document with their pictures and a little bit about each one. We will offer individual sessions, groups during lunch/recess, and classroom lessons on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Finally, we wanted to introduce ourselves. Ms. Alvarado and I have worked together over the last few year. Ms. Alvarado is a fourth year doctoral student at Western Michigan University studying Counselor Education, her background is in Psychology (B.A.) and Spanish (B.A) and Mental Health Counseling (M.A.). Her experience will support her in ensuring that counselors-in-training facilitate meaningful connections and lasting impacts on the Washington Writers' Academy students, families and staff. I have been a faculty member at WMU for 10+ years. Prior to that, I worked in Orange County Public Schools in Florida as a special education teacher and later school counselor. I also worked for a number of years at a child advocacy center specializing in providing trauma services to children and youth. I love supervising our WMU counseling students as they develop their counseling skills, and I am grateful to Dr. Morris for entrusting me with the care of students here at WWA.
Please feel free to stop by and say hello and reach out if you have any questions.
Jen Foster, Ph.D., LMHC (FL) Associate Professor Department of Counselor Education and Counseling Psychology Washington Writers' Academy Faculty Supervisor fosterjm@
Jasmine Alvarado, M.A. Counselor Education Doctoral Student Washington Writers' Academy Onsite Supervisor alvaradoj@